Hard to Get


Op voorraad

Toevoegen aan verlanglijst
Toevoegen aan verlanglijst
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Aantal spelers
Minder dan 30 minuten Gemiddelde speeltijd
10+ Leeftijd
Engels, taalafhankelijk Taal
Niet in spelbib Aanwezig in

The Witness knows the right word. The Detectives are on the case.

In Hard to Get, players must work together to find the right word, which only the Witness knows. The Detectives have few clues to go on – 5 dilemmas the Witness has to go through.

Is Pancake more Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise? Is a Cactus Sweet or Sour?

Hard to Get is an entertaining party game that will definitely spark lively discussions around the table.

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